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Artist Statement
The paintings explore tension caused by the unknown and unseen. Imagining quiet moments when the familiar is disrupted, shedding new light on the ordinary. The environments are fully invented then realistically rendered, bringing immediacy while further inspection draws attention to the inherent falsehood, creating uncanny imagery speaking to the strangeness of everyday life. The paintings are fabricated with the aid of source imagery, the majority of which are photographs I’ve taken while traveling.
Fictional scenes depict unfolding narratives from an youthful perspective, a time filled with strong desire and discovery. Protagonists explore how to relate to the world with a sense of curiosity. The paintings attempt to find meaning within the physical distances of objects and activate the spaces in-between, while investigating how people engage with others and environments in non-social ways.
Everyday encounters often evoke recollections of the past without conscious effort. I draw from these memories of places and experiences, although I question the reliability of my memory. It feels as though the more time passes, the events get distorted and become more about perception and less about reality. Memories turn into myths and only recall chosen aspects of the past. When I’m painting I use the liberties the medium allows to dislocate objects and figures, recalling the hazy state of memories in which certain details fall into place while others fade away.
Within these paintings the observed mingles with the imagined. I often think back to moments traveling when time felt endless. Days spent on trains and buses, seeing countless unknown places pass by through the windows. Revealing worlds which I will never set foot in, nevertheless my imagination allows stories to form against these backdrops. As I continue the journey forward, memories arrive involuntarily, blurring the past with the present.
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